Monday Break - Issue 73
Another fresh newsletter of our last activities and our curated news for you, enjoy!
Winter Carousel
Last Sunday we did the Winter Carousel final to check the final times of our loop and see if the fitness level increased during the winter season. Thanks all for coming!
Fulcrum Speed Sensations Ep.01
Discover the first chapter of the new series from Fulcrum.
The Swiss brand that's winning the circular fashion game
On running shoes are stylish, lightweight, and designed to create the ultimate running experience for athletes at all levels. The Swiss company uses its cutting-edge technology to create a cushioned landing and a firm take-off. A winning combination if you want to crush your personal record time and time again.
Lululemon FURTHER: The Running Ultramarathon Supporting Female Athletes
Revolutionary Event That Has Expanded What We Know Women Are Capable Of
New roads reveal parts of Watopia
On the Southern Coast, cyclists will discover five distinct environments.
Supertri: Inspiring the Competitor In Everyone
Supertri is the new name and vision for Super League Triathlon and commits to 'Inspire the Competitor In Everyone.' Supertri gives the company its first refresh since launching in 2017 and brings its professional closed league and Esports pillars into one future-facing platform with mass participation races set to receive their own brand identity.
European Premiere of MAAP in Amsterdam
A community space has been created by the Australian brand MAAP, which celebrates culture, art, and the progress of cycling alongside the store. It offers MAAP-LaB, tailor-made group excursions designed for discovery and adventure.